Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some Good News

Jesse sent me a text this morning, with some of the best news I've gotten in a looooooong time... Dr. Stafford, the district superintendent, and my nemesis, is RETIRING!!!!! Gotta say, I'm NOT sad to see her go!!! (Picture me doing a happy dance!)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Today was not the best day for me. For whatever reason, I woke up feeling "sad," and once I got to school that mood rapidly changed to frustrated. However, I would be amiss if I didn't mention how sweet Jesse and a few of my students were to me.
Jesse bought me a tulip plant and a helium balloon.

One student (Kai) brought me 3 Hershey bars and 8 little bottles of pepsi... Does he know me, or what? Felicia brought me 3 beautiful roses. A couple of other students bought me boxes of chocolate, not to mention bringing in cupcakes, cookies and pieces of candy.

And, one girl gave me an apple, made out of a balloon... It's a way cute idea (one that I've never seen before!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Arizona's 100th Birthday

Yesterday, Jesse and I went to Arizona's Best Fest to celebrate Arizona's centennial. I heard a commercial on the radio, and let my students know too, about which listed all the events scheduled for this weekend. It sounded like fun, so we decided to go. Unfortunately, once we got there, it wasn't as much fun as we anticipated. The event was set up in Wesley Bolen plaza, which is right in front of the capital. We walked around 1/2 of it, but then Jesse got hungry. For those of you that don't know, when Jesse gets hungry, LOOK OUT! And, find the man some food! So, we headed back toward the capital building to check out the food trucks. Just a note here: I really wanted some cotton candy... I even passed up a Snickers and chocolate covered strawberries cuz I knew cotton candy was waiting for me, somewhere. But, there was NO cotton candy! However, we both had a sandwich, listened to a band, while we ate, then grabbed a couple of chairs to hear the keynote address by the governor (she makes me a little crazy), and saw Apache and Mexican dancers, then headed home. Since I didn't get my cotton candy, we stopped at DQ on the way home!