Speaking of the garage, I've got to say that I LOVE garage door openers!!! As long as you pull into your own driveway, when you push the button, the door opens, and you're virtually inside the 4-walls of your house.
Ooooohhh... I know what you're asking, and the answer is, "Yes!" For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the remote, until I noticed the garage door 2 houses away moving up and down. I don't think anyone saw me!
I also managed to put up a few Halloween decorations. This is a major accomplishment for me, since the past few years I just haven't had the desire to celebrate holidays. And, the thought of having to take down decorations really discouraged me from putting them up in the first place.
If my back and neck hold up a little longer, I think I will rearrange the furniture in the front room. It's been this way since we moved in (the end of July), so I think it's time. I'll post pictures, when I'm finished.