Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trip to Eagar

After being hounded by guilt for the past couple of months I decided I might as well get it over with, and take a trip to Eagar, to put flowers on Gary's grave. For those of you reading, that don't know, Gary and I were married in 1986, but I was not his "first love... " Eagar was! So, when Gary died in October 2001 it was only fitting that his final resting place be on a windy hillside, over-looking the town he loved so much. That means a part of me will always be attached to that place. Unfortunately, that also means revisiting some sad memories, which means driving the 200+ miles up there is NOT something I look forward to.

That being said, Jesse took a couple of leave days, and together we ventured up the mountain. We placed flowers and a pinwheel at the grave site. We also wandered around the other headstones, and I'd tell Jesse how they were related to Gary.

The bonus of going to Eagar was getting to visit with my best friend, Tina! We went to dinner together, at the Safire (green chili burros enchilada style) and spent the evening catching up on all the things going on.

We visited a few other people, too: Shelley Crosby, Kathleen Davis, Markee and Nash (saw Race), Dusty and Hayden Eagar, and Rachel Jensen. Then, on the way home we stopped for a leg-stretching, potty break at the K-mart, in Show Low. Naturally, I had to take a stroll through the shoe department, and believe it, or not, I ran in to Colleen Nicoll! Yes, it's true... She may not be very current with her blogging, but she IS alive! I told her I was going to "blog her," as proof!

The rest are just random pictures that we took during our trip. A view of the Salt River Canyon
"The Barn"
In 1986 Short Stop was BRAND NEW... It was my first job in Eagar.
A view of Flat Top
When Arby's (the first fast food restaurant in Eagar) opened it became my 2nd job in Eagar.
This is a "NOW" picture of the house where I used to live, 6 years ago... ...and this is THEN!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

What!!! Why wouldn't you come in and meet our kids and visit!!! I feel bad so many projects outside still to finish...Glad your trip went well!