Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Birthday (sorta)!

A couple of weeks ago I had to take 2 days off from work, but this time it was for something fun (not doctor appointments)! You see, Jesse's family planned an 80th birthday party for their mom, Rosaleen. Her birthday really isn't until the end of September, but with half the family living in states that start school AFTER Labor day, they decided to have the party early. Just a side note: For me we celebrated 1-1/2 weeks AFTER school started.

Any way, Jesse and I left immediately after work, and drove as far as Vegas. Considering how stiff my knee still gets, and only being a couple of weeks after having knee surgery, it was a smart idea. Plus, it got us into Provo a lot sooner than we had anticipated.

Jesse's sister, Dora, and her husband, Phil, plus 3 of their kids, came in from Virginia.

His sister, Karen (whom I've met before) and her husband, Roger, along with their kids, came from Iowa and Minnesota.

We had dinner together on Thursday, pictures on Friday, a BBQ Friday afternoon, and the big day was Saturday. Faye and Tammy reserved a pavillion at the Lindon Park; which is across the street from Faye's house. There was a NICE turnout of family and friends, and I really think Rosaleen enjoyed herself!

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