Monday, January 31, 2011

I had to get away...

Work has be horrible lately. Not so much the students (although there are a few of them I could live without), but the parents. I swear, I try to seriously keep parents informed of student grades, and still they complain becuz they don't know how their child is doing.

So, to make a long story short, I needed a stress reliever, so I talked Jesse into going to San Diego for the weekend. It truly was a spur of the moment trip. After crying all morning at work, I gave Jesse a call, and early Saturday morning we were on our way.

We stayed at the Best Western Seven Seas, on hotel circle, so we were pretty close to the beach... The place that makes me the happiest. We didn't really do anything while we were there, but enjoy the sights and each other's company.

Here are a few pictures that we took while there...
Day #1 - Mission Beach
Silly Jesse, taking his off socks, on the beach!

Getting his feet wet...

These birds were NAUGHTY! We stopped for lunch before heading for the beach, and I brought 1/2 of my sandwich with me. I ate most of it, but there were some french fries, lettuce, and a pickle left in the styrofoam box. Well, these birds stole the box, and dumped french fries and lettuce all over my towel. Then they stood there waiting for food.

Me, trying to stay warm!

This one pretty much speaks for itself!

Sunset on the beach...

Day #2
On Sunday we drove up to Pacific Beach. We got there pretty early, but it was sooooooooooooooo cold! Literally, it was too cold to enjoy, which is weird, considering how much I love the beach. In fact, we weren't even there long enough to take any pictures.
Later that afternoon, however, we decided to drive down by Coronado, and watch the sunset from there. It really didn't warm up, and it even began to rain, but we were able to walk along the beach for a while, and then waited in the car to warm up.

Day #3:
We had to head back to Phoenix, and reality... Booooo! But, before we left, we headed back to Mission Beach, one more time. The goal was to find some sand dollars. Instead, we saw some awesome waves, and picked up a couple of shells.


Megabeth said...

i love the pictures! i'm glad you had a good time and got to get away for the weekend :)

nancyfinlay said...

I know how you feel about being overwhelmed at work. I just about walked out of my classroom last Thursday. We too just had parent/teacher conferences. Just opposite of yours it was the kids driving me crazy. First we had 100 day, Valentines Day and two days of P/T conferences and one week before Track off. I left Friday knowing I had three weeks free of kids and other school related items. So good for you to get out and get away.
Love Nancy