Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fall Break

My sister, Jill, came to visit my mom during October, and she wanted to see Sedona. Since Jesse had never been there, we decided to take a day trip up there. Jill really wanted to see the Church of the Holy Cross, which is built into the side of the red rock mountain.

Jesse and I took a trip to Las Vegas. When we left, we really didn't have anything planned, other than relaxing near the pool, at Circus Circus, but when we got there we found LOTS to do.

First, we got free tickets to a magic show at the Flamingo. The guy was a contestant on "America's Got Talent," and he was REALLY good! Literally shot himself out of a cannon and ended up in the audience! Then, we got suckered into going to a promotional ordeal (buy into a time share sort of thing). If we went we got FREE tickets to a comedian and $50 in slot play. I know why I don't gamble... Cuz I won $0 on the free play! However, the comedian was pretty funny, and worth the price! Hahaha!!! Then, we decided to go see the Titanic Exhibit. I'd seen it before (in Phoenix) and it was definitely worth seeing again! It is amazing to me how that huge ship cracked in 2 and sank, yet they have china plates without a scratch on them! Finally, in the end,I got to spend a couple of hours by the pool! Unfortunately, it wasn't enough time to come home with a tan!

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