Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Okay, it's official... For the first time in some 20+ years, I'm BORED!!! Ordinarily, I love spring break, but this year, it's just not the same. I want to go to San Diego (I always want to go to San Diego), but the budget's not going to allow that. I want to go shopping... just becuz... but the budget's not allowing that, either. There are things that I normally would do, like trim bushes, or dig out the weeds (this is a continuous job), but last week Rudy (the dog) went nutsoid, and literally ran me into a bush. In the process I got bit twice (should've gotten stitches on my foot, but who knew... ), and he pulled the muscle near my right shoulder. In addition, I went to the orthopedic surgeon again (Yippee... NOT!) and he said to limit movements to my neck (due to disintergrating discs). So... To make a loooong story short, I've pretty much been too sore to do anything physical. Basically, I'm stuck at home looking for mild, non-painful things to do. I suppose that explains some of the changes to this blog page, huh?!?

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